Physiotherapy for Diastasis Recti Abdominis​

Physiotherapy for Diastasis Recti Abdominis

Diastasis recti happens when the left and right abdominal muscles weaken and stretch to the side during pregnancy. While it’s very common, many expectant or new mothers don’t even know what it is, let alone whether or not they have it.
XYZ, from Coimbatore says that she found out about her Diastasis Recti only years after she had given birth to her second son. She says she knew something wasn’t right but thought it was part of pregnancy and would go away with time. Only after a gynaecologist diagnosed her with the condition did she come to MobiPhysio to start her rehabilitation journey. She was able to get the appropriate medical attention for diastasis recti only 12 year after her second delivery.
According to her, the biggest struggle were the body image issues she faced. She says when she stood up straight, she still looked very much pregnant even though she had two sons who were all grown up. She had people who came up to her to ask when the next baby was due.
All of that has slowly changed with her two year journey at MobiPhysio. The separation of the abdominal muscles has reduced considerably, there is a marked increase in her muscle tone and the skin around the area is no longer saggy. When she came to us in 2022, she also had a deviated umbilicus due to the abdominal wall separation which we were able to correct successfully. She has been determined and very cooperative with our team which has led to the results we see in the images below. Some of the treatment methods used were Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation (DNS) exercises, correction of breathing pattern, exercises to improve core and pelvic floor muscle coordination and stability exercises.
She still has a long road ahead but has now become a better version of herself. She is stronger than most 45 year old women and is able to have a healthier lifestyle too.

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Diastasis Recti Abdominis
